The Peace Event in Sarajevo 2014!

Om arrangementet: Året 2014 markerer at det er hundre år siden begynnelsen av første verdenskrig. I forbindelse med dette vil fredsarrangementet i Sarajevo anerkjenne alle fredsinitiativer som har oppstått de siste tiårene, og minne om det pågående behovet for aktivt fredsarbeid. Fredsarrangementet i Sarajevo vil foregå fra 6. til 9. juni. Formålet med arrangementet er å promotere og støtte en kulturell endring for fred, ikkevold og rettferdighet. Videre vil arrangementet fungere som en plattform for internasjonal utveksling av ideer og erfaringer, debatt og informasjon om ulike temaer knyttet til fred. Les om fredsarrangementet her, i tillegg finnes mer informasjon på arrangementets nettside og facebookside.

Come, Create, Participate! From June 6th to 10th, 2014 you will meet several thousands of people committed to peace mainly from Europe and the region of Western Balkans, speaking out together against war and violence 100 years after the beginning of World War I.

People all over the world want to live in peace – but the last century has seen wars and violence at all levels and in most parts of the world, including the former Yugoslavia. We believe and want to show that the power of active nonviolence is the only sustainable way to transform a world of wars and vio- lence into a culture of peace and non- violence. Current events in Ukraine, Syria, Central Africa, and many other parts of the world, as well as the wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the cur- rent social protests in Bosnia and Her- zegovina, require our joint commit- ment and public statement that there are alternatives to war in the form of civil, nonviolent conflict transforma- tion, as shown in many successful non- violent campaigns as well as in official documents like the UNESCO declara- tion on a “Culture of Peace”. Our com- mon goal remains the vision of Bertha von Suttner, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert

Einstein, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and many more, namely: a world without war and violence. The more of us who participate and demonstrate this clearly at the Peace Event in Sarajevo, the stronger our sig- nal for “another world possible” will be!

An international Forum

In Sarajevo there will be more than 100 workshops and round tables organized around five thematic issues: ► a culture of peace and nonviolence, ► gender, women and peace, ► peace and social justice, ► reconciliation and dealing with the past and ► militarism and alternatives. These workshops, offered by a big variety of local, regional, Euro- pean and international organizations, will contribute to show the diversity of existing peace work and support a critical analysis and the drawing up of new alternatives. The importance of “dealing with the past and reconciliation” in the Western Balkans and other war-torn societies, as well as lessons to be learned from the history of wars and violence 100 years after World War I, will be highlighted in discussions.

A Cultural event

We will also be present on the squares and streets of Sarajevo with cultural contributions. The Peace Event should be marked by a culture of peace repre- sented in all its facets and made acces- sible to everyone. Peace is something that should be celebrated.

Join the Youth Camp of dialogue and cultural exchange!

From June 6th to 10th, 2014, Sarajevo will also be a major meeting point of young people to stand up against war and for a peaceful, just and sustainable future. In our large-scale Sarajevo Youth Camp we will discuss our commitment against war, develop alternatives and present these to the public. This gathering will be a contri- bution to strengh the Youth Peace movement in Europe. All of you are invited to come, participate and create.

Peace from the bottom

The Peace Event Sarajevo 2014 is currently being prepared by an international, a national and a local coordinating committee (list in the footer). More than 100 groups from Bosnia and Herzegovina, cooperating in the Network for Building Peace / Mreža za izgradnju mira, are co-organizing the event. Peace activists from all former Yugoslavian countries are actively participating as well.

The event happening in Sarajevo from

June 6th to 9th is a symbol of peace, reconciliation and understanding as an alternative to war an example of the “common house of Europe” seen from a grassroots perspective. During these four days, we want to try to actively “live” peace.

We hope that you will come and join us, and we are looking forward to meet you in Sarajevo.

Register today by filling in the registration form on our web- site:! (More information can be found on the website)

As a part of the main programme, IPB (International Peace Bureau) in collaboration with other peace organizations will hold a seminar in Sarajevo:

NATO 2014: It talks of peace but wages war 

Time: Sunday, 8.6.2014,  13:00 – 17:00 Location: Kamerni Theatre 55, Sarajevo, Organizer: No to War – No to NATO

The military alliance NATO is expanding – geographically and in terms of content. NATO claims right to global interventions – with or without mandate of the United Nations – and to hold nuclear weapons as last while threatening to use them against nuclear weapons states. It externalizes defense, defines encompassing security threats and thereby militarizes civil fields of politics such as migration, poverty and want as well as climate change.

In a half-day-conference an analysis of the military and interventionist alliance as well as alternatives to global and regional security structures should be made. In a globalized limited world the concept of military security does not meet the needs of the people. Other forms of cooperation and other concepts of security need to be applied.


Opening Panel (each 15 minute presentation, at end 30 minute discussion)

NATO – the military alliance (Joseph Gerson, AFSC)
History of NATO (Dave Webb, CND)
NATO and the Yugoslavian War (Bačanović Vuk)
NATO Strategy of the 21 century (Claudia Haydt, Information Centre Militarization/ European Left)

Moderation: Walter Baier (transform)

On: Nuclear Weapons Strategy (Dave Webb, CND, GB)/ NATO, War and global crisis (Ludo de Brabander, vrede vzw., Belgium) / Women and NATO (Kristine Karch, No to NATO, Germany) / NATO and EU (Tobias Pflüger, Left Party Germany) / worldwide military interventionalism (Erhard Crome, RLS, Germany) / Alternatives to NATO (Reiner Braun/ Pascal Luig, IALANA/ IPB, Germany)

Final Panel “Alternatives to NATO”

With: Tobias Pflüger (Left Party Germany), Ingeborg Breines (IPB), Aurelie Royon (Mouvement de la Paix), Nedim Klipo (CSI), Bačanović Vuk

Moderation: Reiner Braun