16-17 Nov 2011 | Kurs : Introduction to Non-Violent Civic Action for development and human rights |
Nivå: | 1 |
Sted: | Grensen 9 B (6th floor), Oslo |
Klokkeslett: | 9am – 4 pm both days |
Kursleder(e): | Trond K. Botnen (NDN), Peace & Conflict Consultant. |
Bakgrunn: | All change creates conflict. NVCA wages conflict while minimising destruction and levels of violence. NVCA has recently gained fame through the nonviolent revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, but can be applied at every level of society and need not have revolutionary objectives, the US civil rights movement of Martin Luther King jr is a good example of this. One question at the core of rights based development is how do organisations gain leverage so that they can create change, shape policy and impact public opinion? To do this, some organisations use conventional means such as lobbying, legal challenges and media campaigns. Others use more forceful means such as nonviolent civic action (NVCA). NVCA can strengthen advocacy through use of other means and thereby boost existing efforts. NVCA features organised action by ordinary people to make their voices heard, obtain human rights, and hold decision-makers accountable—through the use of strikes, boycotts, mass protests, civil disobedience and a variety of other tactics. These disruptive acts undermine the capacity of rulers or institutions to control people through fear and deprive them of rights or freedom. Strategically planned NVCA can engage a wide variety of stakeholders and exert pressure for change from the grassroots. In order to be effective, NVCA depends crucially on the power of people acting together with strategy, unity and nonviolent discipline. |
Formål: | Participants will have an understanding of theory and application of NVCA which enables them to see where it is relevant for their work and have a dialogue with their south-partners on how it can be applied in their contexts and for their objectives. |
Målgruppe: | This course is tailored to the work of development organisations working with partners in the Global South. Researchers, students, consultants and others with an interest in these issues are also welcome. |
Innhold: | This training course gives an introduction to the theory and application of NVCA, through use of historical examples and the participants´ own experiences. It deals with strategy and principles of success, the dynamics of NVCA and how to overcome fear and deal with repression. It is tailored to the work of development organisations working with partners in the Global South. As an introductory workshop it does not give detailed training in how to run NVCA campaigns, this is the focus of supplementary modules. The course will be in English (unless all participants prefer Norwegian). |
Deltageravgift: | NOK 1,600 for members of The Norwegian Development Network (NOK 1,000 for small member organisations) and NOK 2,600 for non-members. Member organisations get a 50 % discount from their third participant and onwards. Member organisations may claim a 75 % travel reimbursement for participants living outside Oslo. |
Påmeldingsfrist: | 7 Nov 2011 |
Kontaktperson i BT: | Trond K. Botnen, tkb@bistandstorget.no, tel. 48 10 51 20 |
Informasjon: | Invitation |
Påmelding/avmelding: | Trykk “Meld meg på/Registration” linken under. Avmelding skjer på e-post eller telefon til kontaktperson for arrangementet. Ved avmelding mindre enn to arbeidsdager før arrangementsstart, vil Bistandstorget fakturere 50 % av deltakeravgiften. Dette gjelder ikke ved sykdom. Ved manglende oppmøte uten at forfall meldes, må deltakeravgift betales fullt ut. |
Introduction to Non-Violent Civic Action