18. november inviterer Afghanistankomiteen til heldagsseminar på Litteraturhuset i Oslo. En rekke innledere fra inn- og utland kommer for å dele sine perspektiver på fredsprosessen, effektiv utvikling, sivilsamfunnets potensial og Norges forpliktelser etter 2014.

Etter hvert som den internasjonale militære tilbaketrekningen står for døren, er det pessimisme og usikkerhet som preger analysene av hva fremtiden har å bringe for Afghanistan.

Vi ønsker med dette seminaret å utforske hvordan Norge og norske aktører kan bidra til å gjøre noe bedre for noen i et land mange ikke ser noe håp for.

Påmelding til:

On the 18 November, the Norwegian Afghanistan Committee launches a one day seminar in Oslo. A number of speakers from Norway and abroad get together to share their perspectives on the reconciliation process, development that works, the potential of civil society and Norway’s responsibilities in Afghanistan beyond 2014.

As the international military exit approaches rapidly, analysis of Afghanistan’s future is marked by pessimism and insecurity.

Our aim is to explore how Norway and Norwegian actors can contribute to improve living conditions in Afghanistan.

Register to participate:

09.00: Opening statement. Linda Våge, Secretary General, Norwegian Afghanistan Committee.

Part I Reconciliation with the Taliban?
09.10-09.25: Reconciliation and the withdrawal. Aysha Wolasmal, journalist
09.25-09.40: The role of women and Civil Society Organizations in Afghan politics and the reconciliation process. Afifa Azim, Afghan women’s network (to be confirmed)
09.40-09.55: The price of negotiations. Gholam Gul Mosleh, imam in the Afghan Mosque in Oslo
09.55-10.45: Panel debate

10.45-11.00: Coffee break.

Part II Successful development
11.00-11.15: Trusting Afghans their development. Arne Strand, Deputy Director and Research Director at Chr. Michelsens Institute
11.15-11.30: Investing in Afghanistan. Kjartan Stigen, investment manager, Norfund
11.30-11.45: Development that works. Kai Eide, former United Nations Special Representative to Afghanistan
11.45-12.00: Afghan priorities and donor strategies. Karim Merchant, Rural Development Consultant
12.00-12.45: Panel debate

12.45-13.30: LUNCH

Part III Afghan potential
13.30-13.45: The role of traditional structures beyond 2014. Hamzeh Vaeizi, journalist and analyst
13.45-14.00: The role of civil society organizations and networks. Karim Merchant, Rural Development Consultant
14.00-14.15: Future in the youth? Elisabeth Eikås, Norwegian Afghanistan Committee
14.15-15.00: Panel debate

15.00-15.10: Break

Del IV Afghanistan’s challenges beyond 2014
15.10-15.20: Humanitarian needs. Marit Glad, Global Advocacy Advisor, Norwegian Refugee Council
15.20-15.30: Developmental needs. Atle Sommerfeldt, Secretary General, Norwegian Church Aid
15.30-15.40: Norway’s commitments. Espen Barth Eide, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15.40-16.20: Panel debate
16.20-16.30: Concluding remarks. Hege Jacobsen, Chair of the Board, NAC

The program may be subject to minor changes.