Advanced training in Dialogue facilitation at Nansen fredssenter

December 2-6, 2024

Lillehammer, Norway

Advanced training in Dialogue facilitation at Nansen fredssenter

Dialogue facilitation is an approach in conflict transformation and community building which enable people to talk together in an honest, open, and humanizing manner. Participants are invited to a process-based way of talking, where empathic listening and good questions form the foundation, and inclusiveness, respect, joint ownership, and humanity are the key ingredients. The facilitator of this process is crucial for creating and maintaining a safe space where participants feel respected, heard, and valued – they feel that they are entering a conversation where they matter.

If you want to learn how to organize and facilitate dialogue processes in different contexts like conflict situations, challenging topics or for building or re-building social networks this is the right training for you.

DECEMBER: Advanced training in Dialogue facilitation